PISA scores and Poverty

an educator's re-education


I’ve been explaining this to countless Finnish teachers and it has been provoking so many interesting conversations about equity and resources, that I thought I would simplify it into a visual representation.  Find the articles that I sourced most of the information from here and here.  The question now becomes, “How do we take this information and do something about it?”  Mel Riddile (quoted above) would argue that we need to stop looking to countries like Finland because the difference in poverty levels make the results here irreproducible in the States.  He suggests we look at schools in the United States that have turned around performance in areas of high economic need. I agree.  But now that I have been intricately looking at Finnish schools, I am realizing that there are definitely aspects that can be pulled towards our classrooms in the United States… none of them are the…

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